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Climate Data & Analytics

Our Expertise

Let Physics and Statistical models provide accurate, real-time climate data for better risk management, prediction and scheduling

Numerical Weather Prediction

In-house configured weather models that includes geographyand weather interactions of global processes.

Satellite Nowcasting

Elevated dynamic accuracy upto 3 hours ahead with our proriety Now-casting model.

Climate Data Science

Multi-model ensemble of seasonal models and climate projections for site specific weather.

Industry Specific Analytics

Make the most of your business with climate insight and industry specific KPI’s.

Data Integration

Plug-n-Play B2B servics and automated database with Time series/Space-time data fomats and easy to use API/FTP.

Our Solutions

Delve into the new-age Software Solutions for your business with our patented Weather Forecast API- SKYCASTER


Advanced climate models based on core concepts of atmospheric science.


High-resolution space-time solution to fill weather data vacuum.


Deep learning & machine learning methods to provide industry specific solutions.


Weather Forecast API

Plug & play API based weather data platform offering high resolution weather forecasts at multiple time and space scale. SKYCASTER is developed on a unique patented technology for industry leading accuracy with a triangulation of satellite nowcasting, numerical weather prediction and regional neural network.

Founding Team

Our team of passionate individuals have a collective of 15 years of R&D experience in meteorology with multiple research papers published in US, Europe and India. With a patent(provisional) on innovative weather forecasting techniques, our goal is to enable primary weather affected industries.

Faizan Khan

Founder & CEO

Alumni IIT Delhi

Dr. S. B. Roy


HOD at CAS - IIT Delhi

Vasudev Gupta


Business Analytics & AI Expert

Our Presence